Ethics Line Enlightenment Text


We would like to inform you regarding your personal data that will be processed during the ethics line process which is implemented by TFI TAB Gıda Yatırımları A.Ş. and their subsidiaries and related companies [1] (the “Company”) within the scope of Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698 (the “Law”), and the Company’s processing activities.

Depending on whichever entity, from amongst TFI TAB Gıda Yatırımları A.Ş. or its subsidiaries and related companies, you are an employee, subcontractor, courier, franchise official / employee of, your ethics line application will be evaluated by that entity and your responses to the ethics line questions will be communicated to the relevant unit of the appropriate entity. The company you work for or the company with which you have a business relationship acts as data controller within the scope of protection of personal data.

  1. Purposes of Processing of Your Personal Data

    You can apply to our ethics line via call centre, e-mail and website. Your application will be reported to our Company by the third-party company whose services we procure. You can apply to the ethics line anonymously without sharing your personal data. In anonymous applications, your identity and contact data will not be shared with our Company. However, if you do not wish your personal data to be anonymous at the time when you apply to our ethics line, your identity and contact data will also be processed by our Company.

    Identity (name, surname), contact (e-mail, telephone number), the country and province from which you reached the ethics line, company you work for, company unit you work in and your voice records (if you call via ethics line call centre) will be processed limited to the purposes set out below:

    • conducting inspection and ethics activities,
    • conducting employee satisfaction and loyalty processes,
    • conducting internal control, investigation, intelligence activities,
    • conducting the activities in compliance with the legislation,
    • if needed, giving information to authorised institutions and organisations,
    • follow-up of claims and complaints,
    • performance and inspection of business activities,
    • conducting storage archive activities.

  2. To Whom and for What Purposes the Processed Personal Data Processed Can be Transferred

    Your personal data can be transferred for the purposes explained in Section 1 of this Enlightenment Text, for and limited to the reasons that require transfer as per the Law and the relevant regulations, if necessary, to authorised governmental authorities and organisations and related companies.

  3. Method of, and Legal Grounds for, Collection Personal Data

    Your personal data are collected via call centre, website or e-mail, either verbally, in writing or electronically, for the purposes explained above, through automatic or non-automatic means via the application you file with the third-party company from which we receive ethics line services.

    The data are processed, with the condition not to harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, based on the legal grounds of data processing being compulsory for legitimate interests of the data controller, for purposes of;

    • conducting inspection and ethics activities
    • conducting employee satisfaction and loyalty processes
    • conducting internal control, investigation, intelligence activities,
    • conducting the activities in compliance with the legislation,
    • if needed, giving information to authorised institutions and organisations,
    • follow-up of claims and complaints,
    • performance and inspection of business activities,
    • conducting storage archive activities

  4. Your Rights Concerning Protection of Your Personal Data
  5. We advise you that you have the following rights in your capacity as data subject pursuant to Article 11 of the Law:

    • to learn whether your personal data have been processed or not,
    • if your personal data have been processed, to request information thereon,
    • to learn the purpose of processing of your personal data and whether your personal data were used in line with the purpose of processing,
    • to learn about the third persons to whom your personal data were transferred within or outside the country,
    • to request correction if your personal data were deficiently or wrongly processed,
    • to request deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of conditions set forth in the related legislation,
    • to request that the procedures of correction, deletion and destruction performed pursuant to the related legislation should be notified to third parties with whom your personal data were shared,
    • to object to occurrence of a result that is to your disadvantage through analysis of your processed personal data exclusively by means of automatic systems,
    • to request indemnification if you incur damages due to unlawful processing of your personal data,

You may send your applications concerning your rights listed above to our Company, by using the e-mail address Your applications will be finalised within the shortest possible time and within at the latest thirty days depending on the nature of the request, free of charge. However, if the procedure requires any additional cost, you may be charged a fee based on the tariff that will be designated by the Personal Data Protection Board.

[1] TFI TAB Gıda Yatırımları A.Ş., Tab Gıda San Ve Tic. A.Ş., Atakey Patates Gıda Sanayi Tic. A.Ş, Ekur Et Entegre Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., Ekmek Unlu Gıda Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş., Fasdat Gıda Dağıtım Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş., Fasdat Sebze Doğrama Paketleme San. Ve Tic. A.Ş., Reklam Üssü Reklam Ajansı Prodüksiyon Danışmanlık Organizasyon Sanayi Ve Dış Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, Ata Sancak Acıpayam Tarım İşletmesi Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

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